Collision Repair, Detailing

Full Auto Body Repair with Decades of Experience

898 San Mateo Ave, San Bruno, CA 94066

About Us
Why we have an auto body shop and care about what we do, and our clients.

I started from zero as an employee, 26 years ago. It took me 10 years to learn how to "truly paint." Now, with 26 years of experience I can say that I know how to repair and paint a vehicle with professional standards.

When the original owner retired, he offered me to continue with the business. He had taught me all the basics and then all the advanced knowledge and professional tricks of a high quality auto body shop. He also knew my character and what I am as a person.

As a business owner I have developed business experience, and I have learned that at the end among the most important factors in making a business work are to like what you do, to care about having high standards and doing things right, and to really care about your clients.

We can say that we are fortunate in having this business, product of 26 years of learning, growing, dedication, and caring.