Collision Repair

Auto Painting and Auto Body Repair with Professional Results

898 San Mateo Ave, San Bruno, CA 94066

We repair all types of Mercedes Benz and other European cars and vehicles
We repair all types of Mercedes Benz and other European cars and vehicles
We repair all types of Mercedes Benz and other European cars and vehicles
We repair all types of Mercedes Benz and other European cars and vehicles
We repair all types of Mercedes Benz and other European cars and vehicles
We repair all types of Mercedes Benz and other European cars and vehicles
We repair all types of Mercedes Benz and other European cars and vehicles
We repair all types of Mercedes Benz and other European cars and vehicles
We repair all types of Mercedes Benz and other European cars and vehicles
We repair all types of Mercedes Benz and other European cars and vehicles

Before & After
Comparing a professionaly repaired and painted auto after a colliison or accident sometimes feels almost as magic!

Our job give us many satisfactions, one of them is just to watch a car or vehicle that looks as new after just a little time of beoimng destroyed in an accident. From clients we have heard that "it feels as if it is magic!"... that put a smile on our faces.

Sometimes it's not an easy chouce to decide to repair a car that was very damaged in a collision, and we advise you on what to do. From sentimental to monetary to insurance reasons, often we have to repair a quite damaged car, all the way to the chassis, and it os a challenge that we thrive on.

We invite you toe pay attentioopn to the cha\hellenge involved and to the quelity of our auto body shop work and craftmanship.